The paragraph below confirms whether the client is eligible for Alpha Quest services. Therefore, every time a new customer clicks on CONTACT US the following wordings should appear...
Alpha Quest Pte. Ltd. is a Registered Fund Management Company (RFMC) regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore offering wealth management services to individuals who are Accredited Investors.
Who is an Accredited Investor?
1. Whose net personal assets exceed in value SGD 2 million (or its equivalent in a foreign currency) with the value of his/her, primary residence capped at SGD 1 million, or
2. Whose financial assets (net of any related liabilities) exceed in value SGD 1 million (or it's equivalent in a foreign currency), or
3. Whose income in the preceding 12 months is not less than SGD 300,000 (or its equivalent in a foreign currency)
I confirm that I am an Accredited Investor.